Thursday, December 18, 2008

Obamathon Man Gets PWNED, Then Pays Tribute to the Majesty of the Bicycle

So apparently Ryan Bowen, a guy from the LA Area, is also going to the inauguration. But he's doing so in an even more awesome way than Obamathon Man: by bicycle. NOOOOOO! Augh, the acrid sting, the agony of defeat - which in this case means being out-awesomed. Obamathon Man has done several mid-distance bike trips, such as multiple solo rides to the San Diego area. But the day when I have the time, money, and calories to bike cross country is still far off. Well, there's always 2012! In the meantime, I wish Ryan the best and look forward to seeing him in DC, a good city to end a bike tour in because of its new bike sharing program. Perhaps we can all do a ceremonial ride around DC, if we don't get crushed by crowds.

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